I followed the flight of the Eagle, a direction with no path; flying in the silence of space, parting the air as pure awareness in a thoughtless mind.

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The sun was setting as a cool breeze played with my face, evaporating the beads of sweat from my forehead. I stood, facing the furnace go down behind the hills. With arms extended, I uttered the words with strength:

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Hail unto Thee, who art Tum in thy setting.

Even unto Thee, who art Tum in thy joy.

Who travellest over the heavens in Thy bark,

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At the down-going of the sun.

Tahuti standeth in the splendor at the prow,

And RaHoor abideth at the helm.

Hail unto Thee from the abodes of day.

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All the turmoil and toil of the day vanished in an instant. The West seemed to take on a face of its own, as a being who is watching in my direction as I address him. More like a man would speak to a mouse.

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I stand in that pose, bathed in the cleansing radiation and feeling my lower abdomen awaken from its stupor.

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column.jpg (24186 bytes) An eagle passes above me. Shadow coming out of shadow, as if my darkness just gave birth to an angel. I followed the flight of the Eagle, a direction with no path; flying in the silence of space, parting the air as pure awareness in a thoughtless mind. column.jpg (24186 bytes)

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It’s been a good day.

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I wouldn’t mind it being the last.
It’s okay if it’s the only one.


Send any comments, suggestions or questions to jc@viasinistrae.com

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